When I want a more-cerebral-than-usual web read on the media and the military , I catch up at Ranting Profs, a weblog posted by Cori Dauber, a UNC Chapel Hill Associate Professor of “Communication Studies (and of Peace, War, and Defense)”.
She’s in fine form this last week and has a particularly illuminating post on how the press coverage in Afghanistan is one-sided, with nary a mention domestically of a major Afghan/US offensive called operation Mountain Lion (a recycled name if I'm not mistaken, or it could be another phase of a very long term operation).
Not only is it one-sided, but apparently a lot of it is done in abstensia. In the comment thread, and in response to a reader’s post that speculated that another reader’s son never saw the media in his recent tour because they were all “back at the bar”, she states the following:
When it comes to Afghanistan, beyond the Post, the Times' permanent stringer, and the AP, you can't even generally say that much. My understanding is that even Reuters is covering Afghanistan from Pakistan.~sigh~
Did you ever get the impression that the media just doesn’t care about Afghanistan anymore? I guess the press decided that even with the insurgents, victory in Afghanistan is already in hand: unlike in Iraq.....where because of the insurgents a victory may never be achieved.
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