No, Mr Schenck... I don't want your stereo next - I just want to spread the word
Bradley W. Schenck is IMHO an extremely talented artist in several media who has (for lack of a better term) ‘a nest’ of websites for different purposes. I've appreciated his work for years. His art includes some absolutley fabulous ‘Retro Future’ and Celtic Art stuff – and a lot of it is for sale .
Sidebar: I would show a sample from his site, but since he took the trouble to 'right-click' protect (humorously) a lot of it, I just bypassed the protection to save copies to my desktop as a point of honor, and then honored his desire to see his stuff NOT proliferate unattributed (in the future) by almost* immediately destroying that which I had lifted.
*Almost' = I DID e-mail a graphic to the Instapundit in the hope that he might spread the word far wider than I can.
My saved links to his stuff were ancient; carried forward from at least two computers ago. After just now dragging them up and exploring them a little more than usual, I found he now has a blog as well. It looks like as good a place as any to start to explore his universe: visit Webomator now!
Disclaimer: I have no direct or indirect affiliation with Mr Schenck other than an affinity for his artwork and doubt very much we would see eye-to-eye on too many issues of the day. But no matter that he probably would not consider doing an "Appeasement Never Solved Anything" T-Shirt for me -- I still think the guy is THAT talented, and more people need to know about him.
I'll be linking to his blog in my 'favorites' soon.
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