Will Be Discussed Here For a While...
Instead, I'm going to cool my jets on illegals and immigration and just soak up this series. Looks like they will be 'must reads'.
Hat Tip: Powerline
Commentary and discussion on world events from the perspective that all goings-on can be related to one of the six elements of National Power: Military, Economic, Cultural, Demographic, Organizational, & Geographical. All Elements are interrelated and rarely can one be discussed without also discussing its impact on the others
I believe that illegal immigrants bring relatively little economic benefit and cause relatively little economic harm.
I believe that there are substitutes readily available for the work done by illegal immigrants. Legal residents could do some of the work. Other labor could be replaced by capital or by alternative production techniques.Which is pretty consistent with my (and others) belief that ‘doing the jobs Americans won’t’ is a canard. But he then closes the paragraph way 'out there' with:
By the same token, because there are many substitutes available for unskilled labor, the salvation of American workers does not lie in immigration restrictions.From my perspective, there’s couple of key things wrong with this statement.
A strong border would provide, at best, a false sense of security. We could have a perfect fence along the border with Mexico and still suffer a major terror attack, even from legal citizensI am not saying that the security benefit of a fence would be zero. However, the benefit would be very low, and a reasonable guess is that the benefit would be far below the "opportunity cost" of deploying those resources on other security measures..
"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
Theodore Roosevelt
3 January, 1919, in a letter just before his death
Although the Safety Board concurs with the procedures outlined in AOTs A300-55A6042, A310-55A2043, A330-55A3036, and A340-55A403 dated March 2, 2006, it is concerned that allowing an undetected hydraulic-fluid-induced disbond to exist for 500 flights, without supporting analysis or tests to better understand the safety risks, is unacceptable.The NTSB thus recommends to the FAA that they:
Require that all operators of Airbus A-300 series airplanes immediately comply, with Airbus All Operators Telexes (AOT) A300-55A6042, A310-55A2043, A330-55A3036, and A340-55A403 dated March 2, 2006. Any disbonding to the rudder skins that occurs in the presence of hydraulic fluid contamination should be repaired or the rudder should be replaced as soon as possible, well before the 2,500 flights specified in the AOTs. (A-06-27) Urgent[.]If this was an isolated problem, I wouldn’t be too concerned. However, Airbus' attitudes towards their history of composites failures (the ill-fated American Airlines Flight 587 is referenced anecdotally in the NTSB letter, and IMHO there are still unanswered design questions related to the vertical stabilizer shearing off), and Airbus’ PR machine minimizing the importance of last month’s load test failure of their new jumbo A380 wing, speaks volumes about their design, manufacture, and business culture.
Establish a repetitive inspection interval for Airbus premodification 8827 rudders until a terminating action is developed. The interval should be well below 2,500 flights. (A-06-28).
"If you believe everything you read in Maureen Dowd, you better get a life."But that wasn’t the best part of the press conference as far as I was concerned. It started when Secretary Rumsfeld had this to say about our ongoing military operations:
They're doing that. And as they continue to take on more and more responsibility, the United States will be able to reduce its troops.No…He wasn’t talking about Iraq or Afghanistan. Here’s the comment with more meat around it:
Well, you're correct, the South Korean government has raised the question as to when might it be appropriate to transfer responsibility to the Korean command. And that is something that gets discussed. And no time has been set. Everyone agrees that 55 years after the war, it's reasonable that the South Korean forces would increasingly take on more and more responsibility. They're doing that. And as they continue to take on more and more responsibility, the United States will be able to reduce its troops. And one would hope that we -- we, the United States and the South Korean government, would do what we do at a pace and in a manner that would not inject an instability into the Korean peninsula. And I'm confident we will not inject an instability into the peninsula.The very next exchange was (sadly) predictable:
Q: So within this year you will be able to start?So…the concept of ‘no timetable’ isn’t just a mental block that members of the press have when it comes to Iraq and the War on Terror: They are just too dense to even grasp the general concept.
SEC. RUMSFELD: No, no. I don't at all.
Q: South Korean President Roh wants to --
SEC. RUMSFELD: I don't think that's correct. I could be wrong. I haven't read everything he's said. But my impression is that the discussions I've had with the Korean minister, and the cable traffic I've seen, is that they want the subject raised, which we do too; we think that's just fine, and then we'd set about a path to see that the South Korean military evolves into a position where it would be appropriate for them to have that control.
And you know, how many -- what period of time that might be is not something that's been determined, because it's partly a function of the pace at which the South Korean government is going to be able to investments and increase their capabilities in a way that they could assume that responsibility. But it's something we both agree is desirable.
...“WAAS-equipped commercial operators will gain access to Category 1 equivalent approach services at qualifying airports where there are no instrument landing systems. This will result in improved safety, including enhanced approach and landing operations in marginal weather.”
WAAS was originally intended to provide Cat 1 precision approach capability and a 200ft decision height. Current WAAS procedures support approaches down to 250ft
You are a traitor of the highest order, and should be tried and executed.And it goes downhill from there.
You hate freedom and democracy, the concept of open government and a free press.
You sons-of-bitches are traitors to this country and real soldiers everywhere. John Kerry served his country in Vietnam and that bitch George w. Bush hid in Texas drinking, doping and partying yet you support him. Kiss all of my entire *** you dumb assed right wing cult members!!!
American sign language is a foreign language," Lowe said. "You don't take the speaker's words verbatim and turn them into signals. ... It has its own system of syntax and structure."
Facial expressions and body language are an integral part.
"You want to be as visual as possible," he said.
Outside the school, Lowe has signed for musicals at the Fisher Theatre in Detroit, concerts by groups such as The Temptations and The Righteous Brothers, and speeches by Bill Clinton and Al Gore.
Fort Gratiot resident Henry Lowe, a high school instructor, told the crowd the Bush administration was "hyper-aggressive," secretive and hypocritical. He said that wasn't what the United States was about.4. and a Newspaperman!
"Our America fights only when provoked," he said
[He seems to have been (at least until recently) part of the Port Huron TimesHerald Editorial Board.]