In this post, I present the general processes an enemy could use to employ what has to be their current weapon of choice. The processes shown are not designed to be all inclusive: They are general enough to capture all the relevant concepts, but are also specific enough to allow me to efficiently propose how and why the enemy's behaviors can be shaped and IED/EFP deployment and effectiveness attenuated (no threat can be completely eliminated).
First, the obvious:
The employment of Weapons That Wait (from this point forward they will be referred to as WTW) I have broken down into two sub-processes: 'Acquisition' and 'Employment'. There were a couple of other ways I could have broken things down, but these will serve my greater purpose. If the enemy does not have a weapon or weapons in hand, they have to first get their hands on it/them.
Now for the less obvious. I have chosen (there are other ways) to break the acquisition process down as follows:

1 comment:
As a retired Sapper, Explosive Detection Dog Handler (EDD) and later Royal Australian Engineer officer, I am following this with much interest. I like the logic.
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